Infectious Diseases

Infectious disease Elisa kits are the backbone of Blood Screening programs, and general Pathology Laboratories, our range of kits cover the HIV 1,2, Plus Gp O Antibody assays, 4th Generation HIV Ag/Ab kits and a wide range of Hepatitis Kits, From HAV, HBsg, HCV, HBsAb Qualitative and HBsAb Quantitative, HBeAg, HBeAb, HBcAg TA (IGG+IgM+IgA), HBcAb IgG, HEV, Syphilis, and of increasing interest the H.Pylori Ag kit from stool sample and H.Pylori IgG from Blood Sample. For the accurate identification of H.Pylori Infection associated with Stomach Ulcers and Gastric Carcinoma’s.